Sunday, January 3, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Ok.....So I have my new $40 a week food budget and I went grocery shopping Saturday. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to come up with meals for the week! Click here to read that post.

Here is this weeks menu!

Breakfast -

Lunch -
ham sandwiches
tuna sandwiches
pb&j sandwiches
grilled cheese sandwiches

Dinner -
Sunday - ham / sweet peas / biscuits
Monday - chicken casserole
Tuesday - spaghetti
Wednesday - ham / frijoles / tortillas
Thursday - bbq chicken / corn / garlic toast
Friday - left overs
Saturday - Pizza

Jello with fruit in it
stove popped popcorn
homemade peanut butter cookies

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a yummy menu! Congrats on sticking to your budget.