Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 January Giveaway!

I am so excited! start the new year off, I want to get you all thinking about doing dishes! Really!

I used to buy sponges every week because after washing all those dishes they would get moldy and smelly by about Thursday or Friday. When I got tired of literally throwing my money away, I decided to look for alternatives. After several hits and misses, I finally found the best thing to washes dishes with!

I call them dish scrubbies!

I hand crochet them myself. I use them for about 5 days and then throw them in the washer and dryer with my towels. I have 4 on hand at all times to use regularly...and they match my kitchen! I make more as I need them. I also make them and give them as gifts. My parents liked them so much they asked me to make them some for Christmas!

So......I am giving away this set of dish scrubbies! You will get these 2 pictured above. They are made of 100% cotton yarn. They were hand crochet by me!

All you have to do to be entered into the drawing is leave a comment on this post. If you want 2 entries, just post about this giveaway on your blog (with a link back to this post) and then come back and leave another comment.

I will use random generator to pick the winner on the 7th!

Good Luck & Happy Saving!!


Sarah Holland said...

I would love to win those! :)

Michele P. said...

I love to use handmade dish scrubbies because they are great to use, easy to clean (as you said, throw it in the wash!) and help me to have yet another reusable product in the home, which is better for the environment! Have a wonderful New Year!

micaela6955 at msn dot com